This will help you understand that the one word keyword is not very profitable to optimize your site. One word keywords do not give a specific option.
If you are seeking information about the business, whether you are a waste of time just typing the words 'business' in the search engine? There was so much business category in the world. Maybe you are looking for information about online business or business investment opportunity. Of course the word that you write more than one word.
Quick Tip: Don't waste your time optimizing for keyword just One word keyword. Don't using generally type your keyword because this is like people when using search engines.
Example using keyword for target visitor:
If your site about marketing, you can use a keyword more specific about the marketing. Like a sales marketing or marketing consultant and marketing consulting.
In today’s competitive marketplace, even two word keywords may be too competitive. Think about the various services you offer as a marketing consultant and create keyword phrases to describe them. For instance, maybe you specialize in creating email-marketing campaigns. That might be a great keyword phrase for that page of your site. Perhaps another service you offer is online focus groups. Your various services should be able to be summed up in a variety of different keyword phrases.
By focusing on phrases instead of words, you will bring people to your site who are looking for exactly what you have to offer.